EC354 Communication Networks
Course Name:
EC354 Communication Networks
Credits (L-T-P):
Switching techniques, Multiplexing and Multiple Access techniques, Packet Switched Networks. OSI and TCP/IP Models, Internet protocols and addressing, networking devices, data links and transmission, LANs and Network of LANS, Wireless Networks and Mobile IP, Routing and internetworking, transport and end to end protocols, congestion control techniques, Application Layer and network management, Network Security. Packet Queues and delays, Little's theorem, Birth and death process, Queuing disciplines, M/M/1 Queues, Burkes and Jackson theorems. Traffic models, ISDN, ATM Networks, Quality of service and resource allocation, VPNs and MPLS, Cellular Telephone and Optical networks, VOIP and Multimedia networking. Mobile Adhoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks