EC846 Computer Communication Networks
Course Name:
EC846 Computer Communication Networks
M.Tech (CE)
Elective (Ele)
Credits (L-T-P):
(4-0-0) 4
Introduction to common networks such as the Internet, WiFi, Cellular networks, Ad hoc and Sensor networks; Introduction to ISO/OSI Layers; Deterministic and Stochastic Network Calculus, Introduction to Network Simulators, Medium Access Control Layer, ARQ protocols; Random access, Backoff algorithms; WFQ implementations, Introduction to Queueing theory, Routing Layer and algorithms, Buffer management; Transport Layer, Cross-layer Design; Network Monitoring; Performance Measures
Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach, Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath and Joy Kuri, Morgan
Kauffmann, 2004.
Data Networks, 2nd Edition, Dimitri P Bertsekas and R Gallager, Pearson, 1992.
Wireless Networking, Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath and Joy Kuri, Morgan Kauffmann, 2004.
Resource Allocation and Cross-Layer Control in Wireless Networks, Leonidas Georgiadis, Michael J. Neely and
Leandros Tassiulas, NOW Publishers, 2006.
Computer Networking: A top-down approach, James F Kurose, Pearson Education, 5th Edition, 2012.
Various research publications
Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE)